Waste Land

If you haven't seen the film Waste Land yet, do yourself a favor and get on Netflix and WATCH IT!  It is an amazing true story of how art can really change the lives of people, giving them purpose and a sense of hope in this world. Vik Muniz, world-renowned Brazilian artist, is known for his use of non-conventional materials to create beautiful portraits (mediums such as caviar, chocolate syrup, puzzle pieces, garbage, etc.)  In Waste Land, Muniz goes back to his home country of Brazil and decides to document the 2 years of the work that he embarks in creating enormous portraits made by the materials found in the world's largest garbage dump.  The people that he meets and the portraits that they help him create not only change and grow throughout the film, but they help change the lives of these people living and working in the garbage.

WASTE LAND Official Trailer from Almega Projects on Vimeo.

To find out more information on the film and upcoming screenings of the film, go to www.wastelandmovie.com and help spread the word!