Entering The Blogsphere-ia

It's official - I am now sharing this journey with you all.  It will almost be a year that Bare Feet was just an idea, and now we have already done one trip to the mother land - BELLA ITALIA!  To travel to various parts of the world, learn the local dances, traditions, the music, wear the costumes, and perform with the locals is my dream.  Starting off in Minturno, Italy was the first step of many that are soon to come.  Why Minturno?  It's where my own blood originates, so I wanted experience how my ancestors celebrated for generations.  It was some powerful stuff. Please keep visiting this blog - I will have much more to share in the new year.  Until then, Happy Holidays to all (Buon Natale e Buon Anno!), and I can't wait to see what 2011 will bring for Bare Feet!

